Saturday, June 12, 2021

A Nightmare

 13th June 2021 (12:39AM-1:08AM)

For Context- Shayonti and Rahat are my younger cousins who are aged 8 and 11 probably.

This is not one of my ideas. Rather it is proof that I possess a very unnatural creative mind. So I saw this dream today. Where I have my mum, shayonti, and me at the pukur par (almost like a folklore pool) of my nana bari (grandpa's). A Royal Bengal Tiger from a radius of 30-45 meters appeared suddenly. I freaked out badly. My mum told me to relax because it is roaring a lot just like a dog and a barking dog seldom bites. At that freaking moment, Shayonti out of nowhere jump from the chair and went near the tiger. The tiger was under my favorite mango tree. The tiger was looking so ferocious and was looking hungry enough that seemed like it could eat 29 shayontis. But some supernatural power didn't let it eat my sister. And can you even imagine what she did? She slapped that tiger 4 times so hard that it stopped roaring and started crying. YES, I SAW A TIGER CRYING IN MY DREAM. And then she went up on the tree, plucking mangoes and she started eating mangoes sitting on the tree. Then my younger cousin Rahat appeared and started mocking me for my fear of that tiger. He also slapped that tiger 4 times. The tiger was about to cry more and complain to me about this. Rahat started eating mangoes as well. The tiger started stepping towards me. I was at the highest level of getting scared. And Thank God, My Alarm clock saved me exactly at 10:10 AM. 

I would like to clarify that it was a true nightmare and I'm no animal torturer kinda man. I love animals. And I can't even think of slapping a tiger. Like cmon bruh! Can you slap a tiger? So please don't call out me about this. Thank you and Good Night

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My name is Shomudro. Im a debater, wannabe youtuber and a day-dreamer. I write stories from my life, ideas from my cerebrum and tips from experience